Reducing Food Waste in Foodservice
October 16, 2018 by Doreen Garelick, Dietetic Intern
Our intern Doreen attended a food waste summit for restaurants and compiled these tips to help food service operators redirect…
March 1, 2016 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
While the Affordable Care Act of 2010 required menu labeling by restaurant chains, there's still plenty of debate on the topic. In this blog, Andrea Canada discusses recent legislation that if enacted, would impact how menu labeling is implemented.
While the Affordable Care Act of 2010 required menu labeling by restaurant chains, there's still plenty of debate on the topic. In this blog, Andrea Canada discusses recent legislation that if enacted, would impact how menu labeling is implemented.
July 15, 2015 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Don't let that zucchini from your garden or CSA go to waste! Try these better-for-you Lemon Chia Zucchini muffins.
Don't let that zucchini from your garden or CSA go to waste! Try these better-for-you Lemon Chia Zucchini muffins.
News Commentary
March 4, 2015 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Make sure the USDA knows what you think!
Make sure the USDA knows what you think!
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
March 2, 2015 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
What changes may be in-store for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines?
What changes may be in-store for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines?
Nutrition 101
May 30, 2014 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Andrea Canada explains what the letters RDN mean in the place of RD.
Andrea Canada explains what the letters RDN mean in the place of RD.
Nutrition 101
May 15, 2014 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
V.P. of Culinary Nutrition Andrea Canada writes on why there are so many conflicting studies and misleading headlines in the world of nutrition.
V.P. of Culinary Nutrition Andrea Canada writes on why there are so many conflicting studies and misleading headlines in the world of nutrition.
Nutrition 101
April 3, 2014 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
R.D. Andrea Canada lists her top “detox foods” and how they help to rid the body of toxins.
R.D. Andrea Canada lists her top “detox foods” and how they help to rid the body of toxins.
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
March 19, 2014 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Find out what the Farm Bill means for the production of hemp and if you should be incorporating it into your diet!
Find out what the Farm Bill means for the production of hemp and if you should be incorporating it into your diet!
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
February 28, 2014 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
What do the proposed changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel actually mean for consumers?
What do the proposed changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel actually mean for consumers?
News Commentary
September 24, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Andrea Canada, mother and R.D., discusses the amount of money involved in marketing junk food to young minds.
Andrea Canada, mother and R.D., discusses the amount of money involved in marketing junk food to young minds.
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
September 5, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Sr. Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the claims that sodium intake is controlled by the body, irrespective of how much is in our food supply.
Sr. Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the claims that sodium intake is controlled by the body, irrespective of how much is in our food supply.
Nutrition 101
July 26, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her knowledge and experience on the nutritional benefits associated with breastfeeding your baby.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her knowledge and experience on the nutritional benefits associated with breastfeeding your baby.
Nutrition 101, Recipes
June 6, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Andrea Canada, R.D, suggests a surprisingly simple baking substitute for butter on National Apple Sauce Cake Day.
Andrea Canada, R.D, suggests a surprisingly simple baking substitute for butter on National Apple Sauce Cake Day.
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
May 16, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada comments on a recent report from the Institute of Medicine concerning low sodium intake.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada comments on a recent report from the Institute of Medicine concerning low sodium intake.
Nutrition 101
May 7, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the effects of a sodium/potassium imbalance and suggests some sources of potassium.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the effects of a sodium/potassium imbalance and suggests some sources of potassium.
Nutrition 101, SPE Certified's Perfect Pantry
March 27, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her advice on which fruits and vegetables you'll want to keep on hand this season.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her advice on which fruits and vegetables you'll want to keep on hand this season.
Nutrition 101
March 15, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the credentials granted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the credentials granted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
SPE Certified's Perfect Pantry
March 5, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her advice on which healthy grains you should keep on hand in your kitchen or pantry.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her advice on which healthy grains you should keep on hand in your kitchen or pantry.
SPE Certified's Perfect Pantry
February 28, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada begins a series of posts about what to keep in your kitchen to help you avoid processed foods. Today's post: Stock.
Senior Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada begins a series of posts about what to keep in your kitchen to help you avoid processed foods. Today's post: Stock.
Nutrition 101, Recipes
February 12, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
The health benefits of cocoa are your ticket to eating chocolate guilt-free this Valentine's day - in moderation of course!
The health benefits of cocoa are your ticket to eating chocolate guilt-free this Valentine's day - in moderation of course!
Nutrition 101
January 10, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the US News and World Report’s annual ranking of diets.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the US News and World Report’s annual ranking of diets.
Nutrition 101
January 4, 2013 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her 5 top tips for a healthy 2013.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her 5 top tips for a healthy 2013.
Nutrition 101
December 12, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada defines phytoestrogens, identifies some common sources and comments on their role in the female diet.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada defines phytoestrogens, identifies some common sources and comments on their role in the female diet.
Nutrition 101
December 5, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada weighs in on the rise in popularity of monk fruit as a sweetening agent.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada weighs in on the rise in popularity of monk fruit as a sweetening agent.
Nutrition 101
November 27, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Now with Thanksgiving behind us, holiday shopping is in full swing. Read our tips for eating healthy to help you thrive during an all-day shopping excursion!
Now with Thanksgiving behind us, holiday shopping is in full swing. Read our tips for eating healthy to help you thrive during an all-day shopping excursion!
Nutrition 101
November 19, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her tips on how to stay healthy on the road.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada shares her tips on how to stay healthy on the road.
Nutrition 101
November 13, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains how drinking flavored milks - such as chocolate milk - can alter our children's palates.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains how drinking flavored milks - such as chocolate milk - can alter our children's palates.
Nutrition 101
November 6, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the difference between the ever-growing number of milks and milk substitutes on supermarket shelves.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains the difference between the ever-growing number of milks and milk substitutes on supermarket shelves.
Nutrition 101
October 31, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada argues that a recent study on the link between cancer and aspartame leaves more questions than answers.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada argues that a recent study on the link between cancer and aspartame leaves more questions than answers.
Nutrition 101
October 23, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada answers everything you wanted to know about Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) – and more!
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada answers everything you wanted to know about Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) – and more!
Nutrition 101
October 17, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada and Dietetic Intern Ricardo Diaz discuss the role of coffee in the human diet.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada and Dietetic Intern Ricardo Diaz discuss the role of coffee in the human diet.
October 9, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada reacts to the plethora of corporate branding for heavily-processed consumer goods at the 2012 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo in Philadelphia, PA.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada reacts to the plethora of corporate branding for heavily-processed consumer goods at the 2012 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo in Philadelphia, PA.
Nutrition 101
October 4, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada discusses the fat content of coconut oil and how it differs from other fats and oils.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada discusses the fat content of coconut oil and how it differs from other fats and oils.
Nutrition 101
September 27, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains how the recent "nutriwashing" trend is misleading grocery shoppers everywhere.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains how the recent "nutriwashing" trend is misleading grocery shoppers everywhere.
Nutrition 101
September 19, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Our Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada sheds some light on the recent debate surrounding the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.
Our Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada sheds some light on the recent debate surrounding the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.
News Commentary, Nutrition 101
September 12, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada weighs in on the debate surrounding the prevention of chronic diseases in US health care.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada weighs in on the debate surrounding the prevention of chronic diseases in US health care.
Nutrition 101
September 4, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Our Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the benefits of eating organic vs. conventionally grown produce.
Our Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on the benefits of eating organic vs. conventionally grown produce.
Nutrition 101
August 28, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada describes the difference between foods packed with nutrients and those that are merely high in calories.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada describes the difference between foods packed with nutrients and those that are merely high in calories.
Nutrition 101
August 21, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada advises on some simple ways to cut down on sodium, while explaining the dietary benefits of potassium.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada advises on some simple ways to cut down on sodium, while explaining the dietary benefits of potassium.
Nutrition 101
August 14, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on artificial sweeteners, their effects on the palate and suggests a few healthy alternatives.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada gives her view on artificial sweeteners, their effects on the palate and suggests a few healthy alternatives.
Nutrition 101
August 7, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
In our latest Nutrition 101 post, SPE Certified Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada clarifies the confusion surrounding sugar labeling.
In our latest Nutrition 101 post, SPE Certified Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada clarifies the confusion surrounding sugar labeling.
Nutrition 101
August 2, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains which of your foods contain phytochemicals and how different phytochemicals can potentially affect the human body.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada explains which of your foods contain phytochemicals and how different phytochemicals can potentially affect the human body.
Nutrition 101
July 31, 2012 by Andrea Canada, VP, Cul. Nutrition & Sustainability
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada imparts her knowledge on the benefits of antioxidants and identifies some common sources.
Culinary Nutritionist Andrea Canada imparts her knowledge on the benefits of antioxidants and identifies some common sources.
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