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Long Island Fine Dining Restaurant “The Living Room” Joins SPE Certified!

Long Island Fine Dining Restaurant “The Living Room” Joins SPE Certified!

The Living Room, East Hampton, NY, is now serving nutritious and delicious SPE-certified dishes.

Nestled inside a popular boutique hotel in East Hampton, NY, The Living Room is all about fresh, local, organic and great-tasting food. And as of this week, four dishes from The Living Room’s menu are officially SPE-certified.

Part of the c/o The Maidstone hotel, which was recently named one of America‘s “most charming inns” and featured on CNN.com, The Living Room delivers food of an extremely high standard to guests who would expect nothing less. Executive Chef James Carpenter’s creativity is instrumental in implementing the restaurant’s “slow food” philosophy, which focuses on sustainability and an environmentally-conscious method of running a kitchen. All the while, Chef Carpenter also needs to ensure that every dish tastes delicious.

After working closely with SPE’s Culinary Nutritionists and Executive Chef Anthony Moraes, Chef Carpenter was able to make his commitment to environmentally-responsible and great-tasting food official with the SPE seal. Making tweaks to an original recipe, the Living Room's Roasted Chicken was reduced from 850 to 520 kcal, and saturated fat was reduced by 78%. The result is a beautiful dish that is both nutritious AND delicious.


As with all SPE-certified dishes, we have an online nutritional breakdown of The Living Room’s menu items below. The information includes a breakdown of the fats, carbs and protein in each dish, as well as vitamin content and the number of servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grain:

Organic Beet Salad

Mixed Green Salad

Roasted Chicken with Potatoes

Strawberries with Crème Fraîche


healthy appetizers, healthy desserts, healthy entrées, partner restaurants, certified

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