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Spotlight on Wellness in the Schools

November 20, 2015 by Angela Foo, Dietetic Intern

Spotlight on Wellness in the Schools Culinary Nutritionists from SPE Certified and our sister restaurant Rouge Tomate have been working with WITS for years. Our team had the opportunity to attend their first Annual Fall Summit which celebrated the 10 year anniversary for the WITS organization and served as a forum to share more about this organization and the great work they do in schools.

Spotlight on Wellness in the Schools


What To Eat After A Workout: A Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

November 16, 2015 by Angela Foo, Dietetic Intern

What To Eat After A Workout: A Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe What's the best way to recover after a workout? Try Angela's Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie and learn why it's balance or protein and carbs fits the bill for a post-exercise meal or snack.

What To Eat After A Workout: A Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

Infographic: Plant vs. Animal Protein

November 10, 2015 by Angela Foo, Dietetic Intern

Infographic: Plant vs. Animal Protein Worried that cutting back on meat will mean you won't get enough protein? Angela Foo breaks down the protein and some added nutrient benefits of plant-based sources of protein.

Infographic: Plant vs. Animal Protein

Confused About How Much Protein You Need?

November 9, 2015 by Angela Foo, Dietetic Intern

Confused About How Much Protein You Need? With meat in the headlines, you may be thinking about protein. Nutritional guidance around protein needs can be confusing so Dietetic Intern Angela Foo shows you how to calculate your needs.

Confused About How Much Protein You Need?

Nutrition 101

The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar Substitutes

November 4, 2015 by Melissa Owens, Dietetic Intern

The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar Substitutes Artificial and non-nutritive sweeteners can reduce calories in a diet, but recent studies have found they may pose other health risks related to glucose intolerance and your gut microbiota. Dietetic Intern Melissa Owens summarizes the new research and provides alternatives to quench your thirst.

The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar Substitutes

Nutrition 101

Processed Meats and Cancer Risk

October 30, 2015 by Allison Aaron, Sr. Culinary Nutritionist

Processed Meats and Cancer Risk Allison Aaron gives her perspective to help you understand the recent headlines about meat and cancer.

Processed Meats and Cancer Risk

Nutrition 101

Consider This Before You Jump on the Paleo Bandwagon

October 16, 2015 by Melissa Owens, Dietetic Intern

Consider This Before You Jump on the Paleo Bandwagon More and more people are adopting a Paleo diet, but is giving up grains, beans and dairy and eating more meat the best choice for better health? Dietetic intern Melissa Owens took a closer look at the Paleo diet and what the current science is saying about the health and environmental implications.

Consider This Before You Jump on the Paleo Bandwagon

Sustainable Seafood on a Budget

October 13, 2015 by Linda Cornish, Executive Director of SNP

Sustainable Seafood on a Budget October is National Seafood Month so we are featuring a guest blog from Linda Cornish, Executive Director of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership. Read Linda's excellent tips to incorporate more healthy, delicious fish and seafood into your diet.

Sustainable Seafood on a Budget


How To Top A Cauliflower Pizza

October 4, 2015 by Melissa Owens, Dietetic Intern

How To Top A Cauliflower Pizza There are plenty of recipes out for the low-carb cauliflower pizza crust. Staying smart about the toppings can help balance the cheese in the crust so you get more of what you need and less of what you don't!

How To Top A Cauliflower Pizza


Mark Your Calendars: Steps to a Healthier and More Sustainable Kitchen Operation

September 28, 2015 by SPE Certified

Are you looking for practical ways to make your food service operation more sustainable? Presented in partnership with the Hunger and Environmental Nutrition Special Interest Group of the GNYDA, SPE's culinary nutritionists will discuss ways to green your operation.

Mark Your Calendars: Steps to a Healthier and More Sustainable Kitchen Operation


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