SPE Certified


Legislative Compliance

With over a decade of combined experience in nutrition analysis, the SPE team will help you understand and navigate the ever-changing (and growing) local, state and federal legislative requirements.

We can:

  • Provide nutritional analysis of your menu to meet labeling requirements
  • Keep you informed of current legislative mandates and what changes may be on the horizon
  • Help you assess the impact of legislative changes on your operation
  • Suggest actionable next steps to address the requirements. For example, to meet current restaurant menu labeling laws, we offer:


Find out about our other services:


To find out more about our foodservice consulting services, please fill out the contact form on this page or call Mei Dickerson, VP Business Development, at +1.646.553.3814.

Read about our third-party certification program.


For more information about our legislative compliance services, please contact us using the form below:

VP, Culinary Nutrition and Sustainability
Andrea Canada
E: acanada@SPEcertified.com


For more information about our legislative compliance services, please contact us using the form below: